
“R. Bruce Elder is not only one of Canada’s foremost experimental filmmakers, he is one of our greatest artists, thinkers, critics, and filmmakers, period. . . . In a country noticeably quiet about our manifestoes, Elder has made quite a stir over the years with his dizzying epic and provocative output, in film and in print. His incomparable interrogations of history (and its follies) have spawned the colossal THE BOOK OF ALL THE DEAD (1975–1994), a forty-two-hour film cycle spanning eighteen years in the making that secured his international reputation. He has since maintained a prolific pace through his seemingly inexhaustible passion for writing, filmmaking, and teaching—one that continues to inform the independent filmmaking scene in Canada” (Andréa Picard, for Cinematheque Ontario)

My Writing on my Film and Media Works

Texts incorporated into my Films and Media Works

"What Troubles the Peace at Brandenburg?"

"Eros and Wonder" and "The Young Prince"

"A Man Whose Life Was Full of Woe"

"Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together)"

My Critical Writings on Film

My Notes on Film Programs I Curated

My Writing on Film Poetics

My Critical Writing on Multimedia

My Technical Writing on Multimedia

My Writing on Performance Art

My Writing on Philosophy and Aesthetics

My Writings on Poetry

My Writing on Social Theory

My Writing on Sound

My Writing on Visual Art

Press Clippings and Comments about

Work in General


Reviews and Critical Commentaries on my Films by Others

Reviews and Responses to My Writing

The Cinema We Need Debate

Reviews of Curatorial Work

Notes, Brief Commentaries, and Press Clippings, primarily related to presentations of my films