“R. Bruce Elder is not only one of Canada’s foremost experimental filmmakers, he is one of our greatest artists, thinkers, critics, and filmmakers, period. . . . In a country noticeably quiet about our manifestoes, Elder has made quite a stir over the years with his dizzying epic and provocative output, in film and in print. His incomparable interrogations of history (and its follies) have spawned the colossal THE BOOK OF ALL THE DEAD (1975–1994), a forty-two-hour film cycle spanning eighteen years in the making that secured his international reputation. He has since maintained a prolific pace through his seemingly inexhaustible passion for writing, filmmaking, and teaching—one that continues to inform the independent filmmaking scene in Canada” (Andréa Picard, for Cinematheque Ontario)
My Writing on my Film and Media Works
- On Scanning Vision
- Lamentations: A Monument to a Dead World
- Cinematheque Ontario Carte Blanche Screening
- On Modernism and Esoterism: The Power of Art and the Power of Critics
- Interview: Book of All the Dead
- Blurb for Et Resurrectus Est
- Approaching Heaven - on "The Book of All the Dead"
- Remaking: On the Book of All the Dead and the Commedia
- Responses to Brett Kashmere on Eros and Wonder
- Algorithms and Chance: an Interview with R. Bruce Elder
- Summary of Proposed Research/Creation
- Written for a screening of Eros and Wonder organized by Collectif jeune cinema
- Short author’s note for Infunde Lumen Cordibus.
- Driftworks, Pulseworks, Lightworks: The Letter to Dr. Henderson
- An Immodest Proposal (Notes on Alchemy and The Young Prince)
- The Young Prince (Program Note, 2007)
- Brief Notes on The Young Prince
- Flesh, Prayer, and Poetry: An unpublished interview on Crack, Brutal Grief and The Young Prince
- On Loving Poetry, and Not Being Capable of Making It; or, what it is like to be a modern
- On Being a Modern Poet
- Garden Thoughts (On Filming Gardens): Memorial reflections after my film, What Troubles the Peace at Bradenburg? Waterloo, 2012
- Garden Thoughts (On Filming Gardens): Memorial reflections after my film, What Troubles the Peace at Bradenburg? Bologna, 2012
- A note on A Gathering Crystals, followed by a letter to a friend
- A Gathering of Crystals
- Narration for A Gathering of Crystals
- On Picture (For Stan Brakhage): A Note on “Et Resurrectus Est”
- Two unpublished notes on Eros and Wonder
- Note on A Gathering of Crystals
- The Philosophical Sources of Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together), a film by R. Bruce Elder and Ajla Odobašić. Part 1: Beauty and Unification: Plotinus on Beauty and Higher Modes of Consciousness.
- The Philosophical Sources of Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together), a film by R. Bruce Elder and Ajla Odobašić. Part 2: Plotinus on Love, Beauty and Unification.
- Artist Statement - The Young Prince
- Becoming Digital: Remarks on “Eros and Wonder” and “The Young Prince”
- Presentation Slides to accompany my lecture outlining the work I was doing on A Gathering of Crystals and the cultural, aesthetic, and art theoretical ideas behind it.
- Permutation, Collage and Film Form: On “Infunde Lumen Cordibus”.
- Project Proposal for Extended Ecologies – Social and Cultural Ecosystems: Project based on “Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together)”
Texts incorporated into my Films and Media Works
"What Troubles the Peace at Brandenburg?"
- Note on What Troubles the Peace at Bradenburg?
- Pliny's Encyclopedia
- Garden Quotes
- Skits for What Troubles the Peace of Brandenburg?
- Pliny's Encyclopedia
- Garden Quotes
- Titles Ordered
- Some Lines Spoken By Nude Actors
- Texts for Bradenburg Skits
- Die Schoepfung (Additional Text)
- Dokument. 4 Predigt Galens
- Predigt Bischof von Galens vom 3. August 1941
- Four Sermons in Defiance of the Nazis
"Eros and Wonder" and "The Young Prince"
- Eros and Wonder Condensed Statement
- Eros and Wonder and The Young Prince (French Translation)
- Notes on The Young Prince
- Text for Eros and Wonder and The Young Prince
"A Man Whose Life Was Full of Woe"
- Narration for Surprised by Joy - Version 1
- Narration for Surprised by Joy - Version 2
- Surprised by Joy Titles
"Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together)"
- Poems and Prose incorporated into “Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together)”
- Poem on which “Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together)” is based
My Critical Writings on Film
- Text from Brakhage Monograph on Primordial Perception
- Eizenstejn, Symbolisme and the Occult
- A Reflection of Ronald Johnson’s Ark and Stan Brakhage’s Thoughts on Light
- Memorial Observations on Brakhage on Novalis
- Notes on Films by Members of the Loop Collective, and in particular Ajla Odobašić’s “Sarajevo Girl”
- Two Journeys: A Review of Not A Love Story
- Michael Snow's "Wavelength"
- "Hart of London" de Jack Chambers
- Antonioni's Tragic Vision: Style, Form and Idea in the Films of Michelangelo Antonioni, with Especial Emphasis on His Masterpiece, Il deserto rosso
- Carl Brown's Northern Exposures
- What I admire about Robert Bresson's films is his Method
- Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film Avant-Garde 1919-1945
- Gnostic Lang
- Body/Machine: On Fernand Leger, Machine Art and Ballet mechanique
- Cronenberg goes humane: A filmmaker who did much to break down the division between high and low art is a striking example of a characteristically Canadian interest in the Fall of Man
- Luis Bunuel's Las Hurdes (1933)
- Chambers and Surrealism
- In Memoriam: Stan Brakhage
- Goethe's Faust, Gertrude Stein's Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights, and Stan Brakhage's Faust Series
- Brakhage, poetry, and the Larger Self
- Brakhage's Dante Quartet
- The Structural Film: Ruptures and Continuities in Avant-Garde Art - EXCERPT
- The Structural Film: Ruptures and Continuities in Avant-Garde Art - Full Publication
- The Cinema and X-Rays
- Hans Richter and Viking Eggeling: The Dream of Universal Language and the Birth of the Absolute Film
- Luis Bunuel's Las Hurdes (1933)
- Luis Bunuel's Las Hurdes (1933)
- A Letter to Gerald Durand
- From Harmony and Dissent
- Deception as Aggression: Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel's Un Chien Andalou
- A Note on the Long Film: The Grisly Roots of Hollis Frampton's Magellan in Frobenius' Idea of Cultural Morphology
- Michael Snow's "Wavelength" Review
- Jack Chambers: Perceptualism, Painting and Cinema (Shorter, print version)
- A Surrealism that wasn't meant to be: Soviet Film and the Irrational - German
- A Surrealism that wasn't meant to be: Soviet Film and the Irrational - English
- A Radical Sense of Form: Against organic unity, or Notes for discussion of Broomer's films
- Comments at "A Tribute to Peter Harcourt"
- On the concepts of presence and absence in Michael Snow's Presents
- The Photographic Image in Canadian Experimental Film
- Two Journeys: A Review of Not A Love Story
- All Things in Their Time: On Michael Snow's <--- > (part 1)
- All Things in Their Time: On Michael Snow's <--- > (part 2)
- The Structural Film: Ruptures and Continuities in Avant-Garde Art
- Draft for Eisenstein, my Contemporary
- Moving Visual Thinking: Dante, Brakhage, and the Works of Energeia
- Stan Brakhage's History of Seeing: The Scenes from Under Childhood (Including Remarks on the Importance of Point-of-View)
- Deception as Aggression: Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel's Un Chien Andalou
- Carl Brown's Death Rattle
- Emerson, Trascendental Particularism, and The New American Cinema
- Speculations on Zorns Lemma, Language, and (Re)Presentation: Frampton's Zorn's Lemma and the System of Representation to Come
- Intertext in Stan Brakhage's 23rd Psalm Branch
- Notes Towards a Sketch of Jonas 1
- Notes Towards a Sketch of Jonas 2
- Notes on Films in the Unseen Cinema collection
- Especial Jack Chambers: Naturaleza, idealismo y fotografia en el pensamiento canadiense
- Peirce On Firstness and the Early American Avant-garde Cinema: Flux and Experience
- Ezra Pound and Hollis Frampton on Time
- Claude Jutra's Mon Oncle Antoine
- Michael Snow's WAVELENGTH
- On the Candid-Eye Movement
- Alain Robbe Grillet and the Drama of Subjectivity
- L'avant-garde américaine: flux et expérience
- Stan Brakhage's History of Seeing: Scenes from Under Childhood (including remarks on the importance of point-of-view)
- Forms of Cinema: Models of Self
- Image: Representation and Object - Take Two: A tribute to film in Canada
- Two Journeys: A Review of Not A Love Story
- The American Vanguard: Flux and Experience
- Emlen Etting: Three Films
- Intertext in Stan Brakhage's 23rd Psalm Branch
- Michael Snow: The Funeral
- Redefining Experimental Film: postmodernist practice in Canada
- On Land Over Water
- Godard on Imagery
- Recycled Images
- Prospectus for conference on the body and technology along with the paper I read on Fernand Léger’s Ballet mécanique as a piece of machine art
- An unpublished review of Owen Land’s shows at the Funnel Experimental Film Theatre, November 19 and November 26, 1982. At the time, I couldn’t find any organ publishing on new art that was interested in a piece on theological issues in experimental films.
- Ernie Gehr and the Crisis of Vision (An unpublished article on epistemological condundra in Ernie Gehr’s films)
- Notes on Brakhage’s Vancouver Island Trilogy, prepared for a screening of those films hosted by the Loop Collective as a memorial tribute. (Edited by Dan Brown from my notes for introductions to the films)
- A version of my article “Harry Smith: Collecting Thought Forms and the Aerial Computer,” extended for a lecture I gave in 2013
- Booklet accompanying Re:Voir’s DVD of Michael Snow’s Presents, released in 2022. (It includes a French and English version of an essay I wrote on the film).
My Notes on Film Programs I Curated
- Image: Representation and Object - OKanada Catalogue Listing
- Canadian Experimental Films
- The Body in Film Programme
- The Body in Film
- Catalogue of events and programme
- Rendezvous With Madness Film Festival
- Copyeditor’s notes on draft of entry for the Canadian Dncyclopedia on Experimental Film in Canada. This article appeared in both print editions (published by Mel Hurtig) by not in the online edition, where the film entries were, unfathomably, overseen by TIFF. The article states the basis for my curatorial work on Canadian experimental film.
My Writing on Film Poetics
- Eisenstein: My Contemporary: Reflections of Eisenstein’s Cine-poetics
- Bart Testa’s “Early Cinema and the Avant-Garde”
- Some reflections on the Historiogaphy of the American Independent Film Conceived in the Wake of Reading, and Offered Partly as Commentary on, Jan-Christopher Horak's Lover's of Cinema, that their author intends as Germane to Considerations of Issues Around Teaching of the Documentary and Avant-Garde Cinemas in America
- The Art of Capturing Canadian Ironies
- Teaching Making
- Looking Backwards and moving ahead: Remarks against those who promote the oblivion of history
- On the Nature of "the Modern" and "Modern Art"
- Responses to a survey from Millennium Film Journal
- Religion in Film
- The Cinema We Need
- Aesthetics, Nature, and Avant-Garde Film
- The Foreigness of the Intimate; or, The Violence and Charity of Perception
- Remarks on the new cinema at Images Film Festival
- Draft of a 2022 Chinese translation of my essay “On Picture (For Stan Brakhage)” and his response, a short note “The Nature of Image”
- Poster for my retirement lecture, on Ballet mécanique, Modernity, the Urbanity, Machine Art, and Léger’s Cinematic Reformulation of Painting or, “Fernand Léger Brings Painting into the Age of the Cinema and Situates it among the Arts of Time”.
- Text of my talk on Léger’s Cinematic Reformulation of Painting or, “Fernand Léger Brings Painting into the Age of the Cinema and Situates it among the Arts of Time”
- A series of notes, written to the head of a group of film critics who were preparing a video essay on my films
- Cronenberg goes humane: A filmmaker who did much to break down the division between high and low art is a striking example of a characteristically Canadian interest in the Fall of Man
My Critical Writing on Multimedia
- Art’s Modernist Provenance: Kenner, Pound, Frampton: Text of a Talk I gave to TMU’s School of Image Arts outlining my work on “A Gathering Crystals” and the stochastic ideas that gave the work its dynamic form.”
- Slides for Pix Talk on “Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together)” and the Ideas that gave it its Dynamic Form
- Slides for a talk at Accademia di Belle Arti di Sassari on Electromorphic Art and “Alone (All Flesh Shall It Together)”
- Notes and slides for a talk on Electromorphic Art and “Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together),” delivered at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Sassari
- Notes for a talk at Pix Films on “Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together) and the Ideas that gave it its dynamic form.
- Renewing Energy: Remarks on “Eros an Wonder” and “The Young Prince.”
- Renewing Energy: Remarks on “Eros an Wonder” and “The Young Prince.”
- Myth and the Cinematic effect in Harley Parker and Marshall McLuhan
- Michael Snow among Musicians
- Fascinated By the Web? How to get over it…
- Techgnosis: On the Conception of Reality as Data
- Extreme Research: Being a Collingwoodian Examination of the Proposition that Artmaking is a Form of Research
- Digital Cinema - Interacceas Artist Talk
- Digital Cinema - for l Manifesto
- Multiple Screens, Spectatorial Freedom and the Conception of Perception of Production: Or, Why "New Media" forms are rarely novel
- First, bodies! (Notes on the firstness of our physicality)
- Algorithmic Art's Modernist Provenance: Kenner, Pound, Frampton
- Algorithms and Chance: an Interview with R. Bruce Elder
- Becoming Digital: Remarks on “Eros and Wonder” and “The Young Prince”
- A version of my article “Harry Smith: Collecting Thought Forms and the Aerial Computer,” extended for a lecture I gave in 2013
- An invited millennial submission, for Parol (October 2000), on the topic of the Genealogy of Simulation
- Back to the Future: Colour-Field Painting Revived by Digital Video! Or, A Digital Videomaker’s Reflection on Flux, Relational Reality, and the Theory of Electromagnetism. This is the text for a keynote address I gave on “Cinema del limite” (Film at the Limits/the Frontier) It was featured in a special section of Parol on “Cinema del limite.”
My Technical Writing on Multimedia
- Opposites Attract
- Special Effects in Film Making with Object Based Transformations
- An Approach to Ballet Dance Training through MS Kinect and Visualization in a CAVE Virtual Reality Environment
- A Machine Intelligence Approach to Virtual Ballet Training
- Linking C and PDC Prolog
- Calling Dynamic link library functions from Visual Prolog
- Object Oriented Prolog
- Rapid Prototyping of graphics using Visual Prolog
My Writing on Performance Art
My Writing on Philosophy and Aesthetics
- Thoughts Remade around Silence
- The Daring Wager of Canadian Art / A Dialogue of Doubts on Topics of Ontology
- Thoughts Remade Around Silence
- Game Theory and Artificial Intelligence
- Sala on Lonergan
- Letter to Luciano Nanni on Aesthetic Communication
- Apostle Of Genius
- Canadian Kant
- Radical Encounter as an Aesthetic and Social Norm
- The Violence and Charity of Perception - Northeastern Modern Language Association meeting
- The Violence and Charity of Perception - International Association for Philosophy and Literature
- Bodies: Virtual and Material
- The Foreigness of the Intimate, or The Violence and Charity of Perception
- Why Cage, Again Now?
- Constraint, Excess, and Flesh
- Form and Aform: Two Fundaments of the Aesthetic
- Thoughts Remade Around Silence
- Notes on Badiou
- Olson and Whitehead on Energy's Form
- Maximization As Creation Science
- Photography and the Numinous
- Media Arts at a Crossroads: Where will the idea of creative industries take us?
- George Grant on the Transcendence of the Beautiful and the Good
- Acinema
- Remarks on George Grant's Platonic Aesthetics
- George Grant on the Meaning of our Love of the Beautiful
- Reflections on the violence of art - Silence and the Silenced: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- Interivew on Avant-Garde with Xiao Xiangning
- Kenner, Frampton, Pound, and Writing
- Modes of Representation in the Cinema: Towards A New Aesthetic Model
- Bruce Elder: A critique of Cine-Structuralism
- Elder/Nichols Debate: A Response
- On Charles Taylor's in Reconciling the Solitudes: Essays on Canadian Federalism and Nationalism, The Malaise of Modernity, and Sources of the Self
- The Emersonian Tradition and the Relation of the American Interest in Energy
- The Poltical Theology of the Concept of Unity or How we got into this constitutional mess
- What do we see when we look at a photograph?
- Reflections on the violence of art
- Blake, Frye and McLuhan on Interpenetration
- The Philosophical Sources of Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together), a film by R. Bruce Elder and Ajla Odobašić. Part 1: Beauty and Unification: Plotinus on Beauty and Higher Modes of Consciousness.
- The Philosophical Sources of Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together), a film by R. Bruce Elder and Ajla Odobašić. Part 2: Plotinus on Love, Beauty and Unification.
- Woman's Art and Ecological Aesthetics: The Way Forward Part 1 : Learning from Chinese Women Poets.
- Woman's Art and Ecological Aesthetics: The Way Forward. Part 2: Learning from my women students and collaborators
My Writings on Poetry
- New Canadian Poetry
- Reading Hutcheon Reading Badly
- Reconsidering Modernism
- On Northrop Frye
- Review on Dennis Lee's Body Music
- Olson and Whitehead on Energy's Form
- Kenneth Rexroth: Turning Eastward to Renew the West
- Coming to Presence: An Introduction to Nelson Ball
- "Moving Visual Thinking": Dante, Brakhage, and the Works of Energeia
- Kenneth Rexroth: Christian Buddhist, Poet, and Political Radical
- Alternative version of Kenneth Rexroth: Christian Buddhist, Poet, and Political Radical
- Kenneth Rexroth Turning Eastward to Renew The West, Part 1: Part One: Rectifying Language to Present the Thing.
- Kenneth Rexroth: Turning Eastward to Renew The West, Part 2 Overcoming Anglo-Modernism.
- Kenneth Rexroth: Turning Eastward to Renew The West, Part 3 Radical Poetry as Ethics (Longer Version)
- On the Spiritual Style in Poetry: Plurisemic, Epigrammatic Constructions in Renaissance, Modern, and Post-Modern Literature. This is a very long, unpublished (and probably unpublishable) essay, about the length of a short book. I have been perplexed by issues raised by use of laconic, paratactical constructions that, it seems to me, aim at transcending propositional meaning and to evoke the ineffable. I decided it was time to sort out some of these issues, and so I wrote this essay, largely for myself
My Writing on Social Theory
- On The Idea of Multiculturalism
- Imagine Theres No Heaven
- On The Bankruptcy of Canadian Liberalism - FULL
- On The Bankruptcy of Canadian Liberalism - Part 1
- On The Bankruptcy of Canadian Liberalism - Part 2
- The Incurable Optimist
My Writing on Sound
- On Sound, Sound Recording, Making Music of Recorded Sound, The Duality of Consciousness and its Alienation from Language, Paradoxes Arising from These and Related Matters
- Sounding Snow: On text and sound in Michael Snow's Rameau's Nephew
My Writing on Visual Art
- A Study of Jack Chambers' Circle
- The Persistence of Vision: Jack Chambers Paintings and Films
- Conversation with Michael Snow [on Photography]
- From Painting into Cinema: A Study of Jack Chambers' Circle
- The Voices of Canadian Abstraction
- Introduction to Michael Snow talk, Art Gallery of Ontario, March 1993
- Tom Thomson and The Group of Seven
- Multiple Screens, Spectatorial Freedom and the Conception of Perception of Production: Or, Why "New Media" forms are rarely novel
- Futurism = Symbolism + Dynamism: The violence of the new replacing the old
- Futurism, Symbolism and Bergson
- Greg Curnoe Transcript
- Michael Snow and Bruce Elder: In Conversation
- Review of the Crisis of Abstraction in Canada Exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada
- On The Role of the Mirror Image
- On The Role of the Mirror Image - French
- Communication, Place, Nation, Media: Electricity Reunites the Sundered World of Industry. This is a piece on Canadian aesthetics: it confronts the reality of Canadian literature and art’s belated development in and how ideas on interpenetration arising from the rise to preeminence of the science of electromagnetism opened new imaginative possibilities that grasped the ecological reality of the unity of earth’s household
- An invited illustrated talk (using presentations slides) on Chmbers, Perceptualism, and Cinema delivered at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Winter 2011 (Unpublished)
- Presentations slides for the talk “Chmbers, Perceptualism, and Cinema” delivered at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Winter 2011
- An invited illustrated talk (using presentations slides) on Chmbers and Surrealism in the Spanish Mode, delivered at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Winter 2011 (Unpublished)
- Presentations slides for the talk “Chmbers and Surrealism in the Spanish Mode,” delivered at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Winter 2011
- An extended paper on “Spanish Surrealist motifs in Jack Chambers’s Paintings and Films,” that I wrote in preparation for the lectures at the AGO, Winter 2011.
- Statement read at “Michael Snow: Celebration of Life,” held at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Wednesday, January 10, 2024. As I presented this brief statement, presentation slides appeared on a screen to my right, and a clip from the near the end of La région centrale appeared on a screen to left.
- Presentation slides that accompanied the statement I read at the AGO’s Celebration of Michael Snow’s Life. These slides appeared on a screen to my right as I read my statement.
- A Clip from La région centrale. This clip appeared on a screen to my left as I read my statement at the AGO’s Celebration of Michael Snow’s Life.
Press Clippings and Comments about
Work in General
- Retrospective of The Book of All the Dead at Cinematheque Ontario (making my receiving the Governor-General's Award in Visual and Media Arts)
- Govenor General's Award in visual and Media arts Monograph
- Innis Film Society Fall 1989 Fall Schedule
- Cinemateque Ontario: 1990 Fall Film Series
- Innis Film Society Fall 1991 Fall Schedule: Flesh Angels
- Innis Film Society Winter/Spring 1992 Schedule
- Images Festival: Book Of All The Dead
- Filmmaker tries to return thought to art; R. Bruce Elder's complex works get symposium this weekend
- Not your typical popular filmmaker BRUCE ELDER He's famous among his peers and the small but devoted audience for avant-garde films. Today, a symposium in Toronto honours a man for whom movies are the visual equivalent of poetry
- Video Art World - On Bruce Elder
- Programme 4: Eros and Wonder
- Statement by Andrea Picard for the Cinematheque Ontario's Program Guide, on the occasion of the screen of the complete The Book of All the Dead
- Contemporary Authors Profile
- A tribute to R. Bruce Elder: Winner of the 2007 Govenor General's Award in Media arts Film Selection
- Bruce Elder's Acceptance Speech Govenor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts. Friday March 23, 2007. Rideau Hall
- Bruce Elder's Acceptance Speech Govenor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts. Friday March 23, 2007. Rideau Hall
- Govenor General's Award in visual and Media arts 2007
- The Book of All the Dead Cinematheque Ontario
- Proiezioni Screening Schedule
- R. Bruce Elder: Celebrated Canadian Filmmaker and Writer
- Anthology Film Archives Retrospective
- Guide to Cinemas Of Canada
- School Of Image Arts: Bruce Elder Retrospective
- A Note on Bruce Elder
- The Sacred Light: In Conversation with R. Bruce Elder
- R. Bruce Elder: Hamilton Connection
- Cosmic Empathy: To R. Bruce Elder with Love
- Programme 6: The Art of Worldly Wisdom
Reviews and Critical Commentaries on my Films by Others
- Bruce Elder's "Fool's Gold": The Experience of Meaning
- On (Experimental) Film
- L'Arte Necessaria: Bruce Elder Intervistato
- Autobiography
- Bruce Elder Interview Lianne McLarty
- Chaos or the Polyphonic Vision of Artistic Imagination
- Reccent Work from the Canadian Avant-Garde: The Book of All the Dead
- A Comprehensive Guide to more than 650 Canadian Films and Filmmakers
- Filmmaker focuses on consciousness
- Bruce Elder's Lamentations
- Elder aims to recapture our lost sense of good
- Northern Exposures: Recent Canadian Experimental Film
- Anti-100 Years of Cinema Manifesto
- Alchemical Features of Bruce Elder's The Young Prince
- Robert Haller Lecture on Bruce Elder
- The Thinking man's horror flick
- An Interview with R. Bruce Elder on Eros and Wonder
- Dante and Canadian Cinema
- Dante and Film Across a Chasm
- On Canadian Painting and Cinema
- R. Bruce Elder's The Book of all The Dead
- The Redemptive Translation of Cyberspace Trash in Bruce Elder's Film Crack, Brutal, Grief
- Percezione, temporalita e amore nell'estetica di Bruce Elder
- A Collection of Articles on R. Bruce Elder
- Reading Canadian Poetry with its Experimental Films
- A Gathering of Crystals
- Don Snyder essay on Bruce Elder
- Films Transcending Death
- Lamentations: A monument to the dead world part 2: The Sublime Calculation
- The Charity of Erotic Experience: R. Bruce Elder's Cinematic Re-reading of Saint Augustine's Confessions
- Perception, Temporality, and Love in Bruce Elder's Aesthetics (English)
- Perception, Temporality, and Love in Bruce Elder's Aesthetics (Italian)
- Art, the Revitalizing Force of Life: R. Buce Elder's Poetics of Experience
- A Cinema of Cruelty against Virtual Spectacle: Bruce Elder's Crack, Brutal, Grief as underworld Journey (English)
- A Cinema of Cruelty against Virtual Spectacle: Bruce Elder's Crack, Brutal, Grief as underworld Journey (Italian)
- A Cinema of Cruelty against Virtual Spectacle: Bruce Elder's Crack, Brutal, Grief as underworld Journey (Italian 2)
- Concrete Particulars in R. Bruce Elder's Illuminated Texts: A Model for Criticism
- Film without a title rejected by censor
- Toronto Filmmaker wins award in L.A., slap from Ontario
- BACKSTAGE Toronto Film wins L.A. award - The Globe and Mail
- Reviews: Illuminated Texts
- Film leaves a trail of devastated viewers
- Avant-garde filmmaker laments the state of man
- Lamentations (A Monument to a Dead Wold)
- Text As Image: In Some Recent North American Avant-Garde Films
- La Cinema contre la technique: R. Bruce Elder
- Major Film Cycle Ends on Note of Sweetness
- Words of the Elder
- The Canadian Experimental Camera-Child
- Exultations of Bruce Elder
- Challenging Canadian Film
- Filmmaker tries to return thought to art; R. Bruce Elder's complex works get symposium this weekend
- Elder's Eros film asks for meditative surrender - Press Clipping
- Elder's Eros film asks for meditative surrender - Online Article
- Elder Experiments with Eros
- Making a move by math
- Bruce Elder, Lamentations, and beyond
- The Films of R. Bruce Elder: The Evolving Vision
- Reflections on the Violence of Art
- Elder: Artaud after Telsat
- Bruce Elder's film-digital hybrids and materialist historiography
- Christian Roy on Crack, Brutal Grief
- Many Things Lead to Many Things: An Interview with Salvador Amores, focussing on the influence of poetry on The Book of All the deal.
- Special section of Parol, comprising writings (in Italian) on my films. Includes writings by Christian Roy, Boris Pantev, Martin S. Watson, Angela Joosse, Izabella Pruska-Oldenhof, John Picchione, and a bibliography compiled by Kathryn Elder.
- An Interview that took place in 2003, regarding Surprised by Joy, Crack, Brutal Grief, and Eros and Wonder
Reviews and Responses to My Writing
- Swarming of Poets: An Editorial Reportage
- On Keane's Evening Song
- Image and Identity
- A Body of Vision: Representation of the Body in Recent Film and Poetry by Bruce Elder
- The Films of Stan Brakhage in the American Tradition of Ezra Pound, Gertude Stein, and Charles Olson
- Harmony and Dissent: Film and Avant-Garde Movements in the Early Twentieth Century
- Sounds like Canada: A Reexamination of the development of Canadian Cinema-verite
- Malevich and Richter: An Indeterminate Encounter
- Visionay Film and the "World's Body": Stan Brakhage and Theopoetic
- English-Canadian Cinema since 1945
- Dada, Surrealism, and the Cinematic Effect
- The Body in Film/Richard Hancox/Richard Kerr: Overlapping
- The Education We Need
- Notes from the Fringe: A pair of Guerilla Canadian filmmakers ponder the sometimes inexplicable whys of their calling
- Roads Not Taken, Avenues Not Explored
- Stop Whining and Get on with the Basic Business of Being British
- Marilyn Brakhage Interview on Domain Of Aura
- Image and Identity
- Review of Cubism and Futurism: Spiritual Machines and Cinematic Effect, by Jennifer Boivin, Sept. 2019
- Caroline Hagood’s Review of Harmony and Dissent and Plantinga’s Moving Viewers in Scope Film Journal, June 2011
- Remarks On1857, The Cinema We Need, and Poetry, for the 2022 Annual Conference of the Jacques Ellul Society, this session in Montreal.
- The Global Jukebox and the Celestial Monochord: Alan Lomax and Harry Smith Compute Folk Music in Cold War America. This article references my piece on Harry Smith music as programming the aerial computer. Michael J. Kramer’s piece is not primarily a commentary on my article: instead, it explores ideas about art and computation in the Cold War Era. (I tend see Harry Smith as one of the great explorers of art shaped by the science of electromagnetism rising to the status of the most advanced science, and influencing conceptions on reality (suggesting reality is essentially fluxing energy, every bit of which interacts with every other bit). I include this article in the section of my bibliography titled “Reviews and Responses to My Writing” because many people have been shocked by the suggestion that Smith’s art could be seen as having affinities with computational art
The Cinema We Need Debate
- The Shadow of Canadian cinema: Bruce Elder's imoodest proposal
- A Vindication
- The Cinema we need?
- Politics or Paranoia
- The rites (and wrongs) of the elder or the cinema we got: the critics we need
- The Shadow of Canadian cinema: Bruce Elder's imoodest proposal
- A Vindication
- The Cinema we need
- Desire In Ruins
- Desire In Ruins
- The Cinema we need
- The rites (and wrongs) of the elder or the cinema we got: the critics we need
- Politics or Paranoia
- So, what did Elder say?
- So, what did Elder say?
Reviews of Curatorial Work
- The show that's going abroad
- Berlin is about to get a taste of the Canadian arts scene
- Add for Retospective
- Seeing eye-to-I: Notes on Canadian identity
- Hume Canadian Retrospective
- The Toronto Retroscpective: The courage & the glory
- Germans focus on relationship between cinema and voyeurism Filmmakers look at looking
- Foreign devils adopted and adapted
- Exhibit abounds with a messy vitality
- Body in Film
- LIFT and Body in Film
Notes, Brief Commentaries, and Press Clippings, primarily related to presentations of my films
- Arsenal Programme: Special Guest Bruce Elder
- Das Filmmuseum stellt vor…
- Senzatitolo: Eventi Azioni Esposizioni
- Filmmaker Bruce Elder Screen
- Canadian to discuss his movies
- A Man Whose Life Was Full of Woe has been surprised by Joy
- Bruce Elder zu Gast im Arsenal
- Programme 6: Toronto Premiere! R. Bruce Elder's "Crack, Brutal, Grief"
- Bruce Elder "Crack, Brutal, Grief"
- "Crack, Brutal, Grief" R. Bruce Elder
- Body/Machine: A conference on the body/technology interface - Pamphlet
- Crack, Brutal, Grief by R. Bruce Elder - R Buce Elder in Person (flyer)
- Crack, Brutal, Grief by R. Bruce Elder - R Buce Elder in Person (text)
- R. Bruce Elder in person - a rare screening of "Crack, Brutal, Grief"
- L.I.F.T Directors Series presents: An Evening with Bruce Elder (large)
- L.I.F.T Directors Series presents: An Evening with Bruce Elder
- Marathon Screening of R. Bruce Elder's "The Book of All the Dead"
- Stan Brakhage Memorial
- Famed experimental filmmaker explores transformation of self
- Govenor General's Award in visual and Media arts 2007
- A Gathering of Crystals, de R. Bruce Elder (premiere mundial)
- Lamentations: A Monument to a Dead World Part 2: The Sublime Calculation de Bruce Elder
- Not your typical popular filmmaker BRUCE ELDER He's famous among his peers and the small but devoted audience for avant-garde films. Today, a symposium in Toronto honours a man for whom movies are the visual equivalent of poetry.
- Announcement of Screening of Lamentations Pt 1 at San Francisco Cinematheque, 1989
- Ryerson University’s (now Toronto Metropolitan University’s) announcement of my receiving a Governor-General’s Award
- An announcement of a screening of Eros and Wonder at Pleasure Dome to mark my the Governor-General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts
- “Elder Experiments with Eros” Now Magazines Critic’s Pick Announcement of a Screening of Eros and Wonder marking my being awarded the GGAVMA
- Note (by RBE) on 2020 Mexico City Retrospective and Covid-19 Lockdown
- Note (by RBE) on 2020 Mexico City Retrospective and Covid-19 Lockdown
- Textos iluminados: las películas de Bruce Elder. Agenda of screenings and notes on films shown in a retrospective in several cities in Spain.
- Poster for a virtual talk at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, and the Beijing Film School on Woman’s Art, Ecoaesthetics and the Path Forward: Learning from Chinese Woman Poets.
- A different poster for a virtual talk (September 2021) at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing and the Bejing Film School on Womans Art, Ecoaesthetics and the Path Forward: Learning from Chinese Woman Poets.
- A poster for a virtual talk on Poetry and Film at the The Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing and the Beijing Film School, October 2021
- A poster for a 2021 screening of Eros and Wonder at ZumZeig, Barcelona, marking ZumZeig’s fifth Anniversary
- A different poster for a 2021 screening of Eros and Wonder at ZumZeig, Barcelona, marking ZumZeig’s fifth Anniversary
- Yet another poster for a 2021 screening of Eros and Wonder at ZumZeig, Barcelona, marking ZumZeig’s fifth Anniversary
- TimeOut Announcement of a Screening of Lamentations, Part 1: The Dream of the Last Historian at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (February 28, 2015)
- Announcement of a screening of Lamentations (A Monument to the Dead World), Pts 1 and 2, in Vancouver (2017), as part of Canada o on Screen (Best Canadian Films survey).
- Agenda of Screenings of the complete The Book of All the Dead at TIFF, January-March 2008, to mark my receiving the Governor-General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts.
- Textos Illuminatos—announcement of a Mini-Retrospective at NUMAX in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- Announcement of a screening of A Man whose Life was Full of Woe has been Surprised by Joy at Cinéma Paris - L'Archipel, May 2024.
- Press notice of a screening of A Man Whose Life was Full of Woe has been Surprised by Joy in Paris, at Cinéma Paris - L'Archipel, May 2024
- Screenings at Peripheries Film Festival, Chicago IL (September 19th - 22nd 2024)
- Press notice of an undergraduate program in film and media studies I forged at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute (now Toronto Metropolitan University) in the first years I taught there.
- Poster for Book Launch for Cubism and Futurism: Spiritual Machines and the Cinematic Effect, Nov 2. 2018. Hosted by TMU and Pages Unbound.
- Poster for a screening of Eros and Wonder at the Art Gallery of Hamilton, 2011
- Poster for a screening of The Young Prince and interview, in Halifax, 2008
- Announcement of a Series of talks on the philosophical underpinnings of Alone (All Flesh Shall See It Together)
- Announcement of Screening of Crack, Brutal Grief, marking Black Zero’s release of a DVD of the film
- University of Applied Arts, Vienna announces that Bruce Elder will give a lecture on Electrology and Electromorphic Art, on May 2, 2024